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Coming August 26th – SCOF 52 Ascofalypse Now

Art Start: Jorge Martinez - FALL 2015

I’m pretty sure Jorge Martinez is amphibious. There is no way a straight air-breather could depict underwater scenes as realistically or skillfully as Jorge does without spending a significant part of the day underwater. Jorge’s artistic style is not ultra realism, nor is it classic impressionism. Somewhere in between those two lies underwater scenes as I picture them in my dreams, real with just a hint of ethereal fuzziness. Jorge’s success at the age of 30-something is no accidental career. After graduating from the Miami International Fine Arts College, Jorge never looked back. His designs have been featured on apparel by multiple fly fishing manufacturers. His original works on canvas have been prized at every major fishing tournament in Florida, and adorn the walls of quite a few influential South Florida collectors. JTVCYWRyb3RhdGUlMjBncm91cCUzRCUyMjElMjIlNUQ=His skill at recreating underwater scenes correlates directly to the vast amount of time he spends on the water. This time on the water can also be seen in the tasty flies he spins — just sayin’. Jorge has been a force in the Florida marine art scene for a while now. We just wanted the rest of the Southeast to say hi. So Jorge, the Southeast. The Southeast, Jorge. Keep up with his latest work on Instagram at @jmartinez_art.JTVCYWRyb3RhdGUlMjBncm91cCUzRCUyMjElMjIlNUQ=